On Nov 10th inABLE sponsored a historical farewell party for the 2011 Thika Primary School for the Blind graduation candidates. The celebration was kicked off with a video conference in the main computer lab with inABLE Founder and Executive Director Irene Mbari-Kirika. All the candidates had a chance to say something about the computer program, the knowledge they acquired, and how it will help them in the future. Irene gave a motivational speech encouraging the students to embrace technology whenever they get an opportunity.
Teacher Mr. Ezekiel Musau traced the roots of the inABLE computer program for those who did not know how it came about. He explained how he and students met Irene at a nearby library and out of that chance meeting the idea of a computer lab for the blind sparked Irene’s imagination and fueled a new passion that became a reality the summer of 2009. Musau went on to say that this candidates’ farewell celebration would have been more special if Irene was able to be here in person to congratulate each departing student. In closing, he encouraged the students to say in touch using their email addresses.
The Thika Primary School for the Blind Principal Mr. Jotham Makokha described this occasion as very unique and historic. Typically, once a student has completed KCPE they leave the school without any gathering. He expressed appreciation to the inABLE team for their kind gesture and noted that this is the very first farewell party for the candidates and he hopes that it becomes a new tradition.
In his closing remarks, the Principal Makokha called to mind parallels with Martin Luther King’s vision,“ “Martin Luther King had a dream for America and the dream was that one day America would be led by a black man, and people laughed. They said it would never happen in America. But the dream came true when Barack Obama became the President. Irene also had a dream and the dream was that one day blind people will have access to computer technology and that dream too became a reality when the inABLE computer lab for the blind was opened at the Thika Primary School for the Blind and now her inspiration is spreading to blind schools all around Kenya and in other parts of Africa”.